Friday, September 14, 2007

Verizon files suit over FCC ruling n 700 MHz spectrum

According to this Reuters article, Verizon Wireless is filing suit, asking the FCC to overturn the open-access rules imposed on the 700 MHz spectrum to be auctioned off in January.

Verizon asked the U.S. Court of the Appeals for the District of Columbia to strike down the FCC conditions, which requires that the winner of the new spectrum allow users to connect to this network using any device or software.

This spectrum is a big deal - it's supposed to raise about $10 billion. This is pretty much the last chance for another player to enter into the wireless market.

The current spectrum being used by wireless network carriers restricts users to use only certain types of phones. Verizon claims that the FCC rules overstep its authority - an argument that is very heated at the moment. Verizon would obviously want to maintain the current norm - they're deals are working for them. A new network with any hardware/software solutions available would be quite a competitor for Verizon.

Google, Apple, Verizon, and many other big players are interested in this spectrum. If one of the network-neutrality supporting companies win this valuable spectrum, cell carriers will have to rethink the way they deal with hardware and software solutions.

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