Friday, August 24, 2007

UK Man Arrested for Piggybacking

According to this CNET News article, A 39-year-old British man was arrested for using someone else's wireless Internet connection without permission. Police saw him using a laptop as he sat outside a house in Chiswick, west London, on Tuesday.

The police look to make an example out of this guy, hoping to deter others from illegally using other people's broadband connections.

Another recent CNET News article mentions the arrest of a Florida man on "charges of unauthorized use of a wireless network."

Supposedly, using an unauthorized and unsecured wireless network in Britain breaches the Computer Misuse Act and the Communications Act.

This is sort of ridiculous. If you want to avoid Piggybackers, secure your wireless network. Steve Jobs has even supported using the iPhone to piggyback (probably to take focus off of the slow Edge network). Here's the Wall Street Journal Article with Jobs' interview.

Secure your wireless networks, or deal with other's using it.

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